Date of issue:2016/04/25Number of visits:
President of YRIC, Mr. MA Weihua: P2P Should Not Be Money Lending Agent

President of YRIC, Mr. MA Weihua said recently how to guide the rational development of P2P should be closely highly concerned. 



President of YRIC, Mr. MA Weihua


President of YRIC, Mr. MA Weihua has also expressed technology and rejuvenation is one of the focus. Firstly, the world economy is experiencing the difficult recovery. Artificial intelligence probably represents the trend of the fourth industrial revolution which is bound to deeply and tremendously influence industrial development, entrepreneurs, all industries and innovation.


Secondly, China has entered a "new normal" stage. The low-end manufacturing industry is being replaced. Adjusting the economic structure depends on the improvement of the technological proportion in GDP. The technological innovation is an important and even the only option.


Thirdly, the government "Thirteen Five Year Plan" has proposed "innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing" five concepts. Among the five concepts, innovation is the center. “Entrepreneurship and innovation" have far-reaching influences for China to achieve technological changes.




President of YRIC, Mr. MA Weihua

 Mr. MA Weihua specially emphasizes on the importance of capital for technology. "if technology could not be recognized by capital, its value would not be expressed. In the currents society, the capital needs to improve the technical content which is a very important way for China to realize future technological breakthroughs.” Investing at the angel, VC, PE stage could control the ownership of technology. In this way, technology can be put into practice in the Chinese market and achieve a major breakthrough in the industry.


President of YRIC, Mr. MA Weihua believes P2P is not the only product of China, while it is still the private lending based on internet. P2P should be information agent instead of money leading agent. “Some problems have encountered in the P2P development process. P2P hasbecome the financial agent and operates like banks. This has completely disobeyed the basic requirement for P2P. Some P2P companies are even worse to abscond with money against the national regulations and laws. ”